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    We, at Imperial Market Research, use Qualitative research techniques for creativity, innovation and developing ideas and concepts, and communication strategies.


    We use these techniques for both consumer and business-to-business research projects.


    We ensure that our Focus group & In-depth is an interactive group discussion between moderator and the target audience in the group. An unstructured discussion where the moderator encourages the free flow of ideas to meet the research objective. We have experienced moderator to achieve the research goal in the best possible scenario.


    Online focus groups gives the research participants the convenience to participate at the comfort of their home or office to join in the discussion using internet to provide information at specified intervals over an extended period of time remotely moderated using online platforms such as Focus Vision and Vision Live.


    Ethnography interviews  helps to observe and explore conducting research at the respondent place where he uses the product and/or does the work under study in their natural working environment. This helps us to understand their behaviors at a micro level.




    We use the Quantitative research which is widely used in social sciences such as psychology, economics, sociology, and political science and less frequently in the history.


    Our researcher analyzes the data with the help of statistics.. Quantitative Research methods includes ancient traditional methods on one hand and on another we have inculcated the latest technologies into our research process to meet the fast growing needs of industry this in turn helps to get the best output in short time span. The  output files are provided in various  format i.e. ASCII, excel or SPSS labeled as per the research requirements.


    Computer Aided Telephonic Interview (CATI)


    Computer – Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)


    Pencil and Paper Interviews (PAPI


    Online research is one of latest and modern technique of research widely used across the globe in the recent times.


    At Imperial Research we  control and have access to consumer and healthcare professionals  to conduct online  panel surveys.


    It is the most convenient method for the end users. We have the ability to gather consumers information from a specific demographic, such as an age group, or a specific geographic region. We do use a “blind” method, by which a random sample of the population is contacted for online opinions.




    Mystery shopping with us is performed by trained professional researchers posed as real customer and asked to shop around and collect the relevant information about the product or service.


    Some specific tasks we are good at such as purchasing a product, asking questions, registering complaints or behaving in a certain way, and then provide detailed reports or feedback about their experiences.


    This insights helps to focus on the quality of  business services and customer satisfaction.





    In Central Location Test (CLT) we use the best location as per the product or services to meet the relevant consumers such as a shopping mall or a centralized location.


    In this instance, consumers are  recruited to participate in a research product and the research is conducted and completed at the same time.


     This is quite often used for product testing.





